Private Boat Tours, BOOK NOW!
6 Person Maximum Per Boat
For more information on any of our boat tours, click on the package below:

After booking confirmation, we will send you a text message with detailed instructions for your chosen pickup location.
Tickets are non-refundable unless your tour is cancelled by Hilton Head Dolphin Tours, but you may reschedule your tour with at least 24 HOURS notice prior to the scheduled departure time. You may also request a voucher to use at a later date if cancellation is made prior to 24 hours of your departure time. We will NOT honor rescheduling or vouchers within 24 hours of your departure time.
Cancellation due to weather is at our Captain’s discretion only!
We will contact you on the phone number provided on the day of your tour if there are any weather concerns/cancellations. The Captain keeps a diligent eye on the weather and will inform you in ample time to get you rescheduled. Weather cancellations are 100% refundable if rescheduling is not possible. Isolated/pop-up thunderstorms are a way of life here in the summer months and they may delay us for a few minutes or miss us entirely, so please show up unless you hear from us.